A Wall Atlas of Drawings, Tokyo Biennale 2023

Added on by Shelagh Keeley.

A Wall Atlas of Drawings

For Shelagh Keeley, the drawing process is about slowness.
It is highly intuitive, expanding notions of conceptual art involving the body, gesture and instinctive intelligence.

A wall atlas for thinking with the body.
Materialized knowledge - the wisdom and beauty of the body
and its language of gestures.


In Keeley’s own words:

I re-claim space through gesture…re-thinking drawing
in a filmic, poetic and choreographic sense.
Gestures of the body / gestures of the site.

Poetics of the void …the unfinished and imperfect.
The poetics of chance and the beauty of randomness.
Random traces and possibilities for linkages.


For this biennale, Keeley will be creating a cognitive drawing map of her experiences in Bakurocho, a wholesale district in Tokyo, researching the rich history of textiles.

September 6–27: Artist stays in Tokyo for research and production

September 23–November 5: Exhibition of results

Tokyo Biennale details here.